
The Sphere

Most of you know that UTIAS began as UTIA in an RCAF hangar at Downsview, but here is a story you might not know.

The year was 1946 and Dr. G.N. Patterson was a highly sought-after international expert in aerodynamics when the University of Toronto made him an offer of employment. It was one of 6 or 7 offers from highly reputable institutions that Patterson was considering, but it was the offer that interested him most.

As a Canadian who had worked in Britain, Australia, and the USA, Patterson noted that aeronautical education in Canada was below par; in fact, it barely existed. Because Patterson recognized the growing importance of aeronautics, his observation germinated an idea that grew into a mission. Patterson decided that he would not join U of T unless they agreed to establish a Department of Aeronautical Engineering.

With this mission in mind, Patterson looked upon the first offer from U of T as the opening of a negotiation. However, after 4 or 5 months of failed negotiations, Patterson began to make other plans. Then a telegram arrived stating that U of T President, Dr. Sidney Smith, would establish the new department. And with that news, Patterson accepted an offer to join U of T as head of what would become a new institute called the University of Toronto Insitute of Aerophysics (UTIA). This new institute opened in 1949.

Nine years later, in 1958, the growing institute began the move to 4925 Dufferin Street, a move that took 5 years to complete. In 1963, the name was changed to the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) to reflect the growing areas of study at the institute.

The rest of this story is that Patterson, with the help of many top-notch researchers, created an internationally recognized institute out of which leading edge research and many firsts have come. And, the legacy of excellence lives on.

This microsite will provide you with the opportunity to discover the history of UTIAS, and we think you will enjoy yourself!